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“Aum Shreem Hreem Kleem Klowm Gum Ganpathaye
 Vara Varadha Sarvajanmaye Vasamaanya Swaha.
Ekdantaay Vidmahe,
Vakratundaay Dheemahi,
Tanno Danti Prachodayat.
Aum Shantih| Shantih| Shantih|”
This mantra is known as Mahaganpati Mool Mantra. This is the most powerful of all the Ganpati Mantras. People use this mantra to invoke the remover of obstacles, Shree Ganesha. It is believed by many that this mantra should be recited before beginning any new ventures so as to remove any obstacles that will arise in the middle of the project.
This means:
AumThe Holy word,
Shreem Hreem Kleem KlowmTantric words to invoke God or Goddess;
GanpathayeLord Ganesha;
VaradheKeep away;
Sarvjanmayeall kinds of;
Vasmaanyaquibble or squabble;
SwahaHoly chant;
Ekdantay VidmaheI bow to the Lord with one tusk;
Vakratundaay DheemahiI worship the Lord who has a curved trunk;
Tanno Danti PrachodayatMay the tusked one vanguard us to the honorable and virtuous path;
Aum Shantih, Shantih, ShantihOh Lord! Give Us Peace, Peace and Peace.
The Ganpati mool mantra is chanted before starting any new venture or project to ask for the blessings of Lord Ganesha. He is considered the remover of obstacles. He is the one who clears paths and enlighten us on how to lead to the road where we want to go. This mantra is considered as the main and the moos (basic) mantra of Lord Ganesha. Mahaganpati moola mantra bestows us with sureshot success in any new venture we start.

This year ganesha chathurthi is on 25-8-2017

Vinayak Chathurthi special:

Lord Ganesha is known by 108 different names and is the Lord of arts and sciences and the deva of wisdom.
The Hindu God Ganesha is revered by Hindus round the world by old and young alike! He is believed to grant wishes, bestow favour, and help improve your wealth or job prospects.
Ganesha is a Hindu god with an elephant head and human body. Ganesha is extremely popular among the vast majority of the Hindu world. He is perhaps the top deity in hindu belief.
Generally lord ganesha is worshipped in beginning of any pooja or anything we pray as he is considered will help to do the pooja or any work without any obstacles.
I always love to make ganesha by myself and do pooja with all of his favourite snacks.....
So Lets start with his favourite recipes......



for modhak

Rice flour-1 cup. makes approximately 4 to 5 nos
salt as needed
hot water as needed
ghee or oil to keep your hands nonsticky when you make modhakam

for jaggery stuffing
Jaggery broken into pieces


mix rice flour salt and little hot water to make it like chapathi dough. Take a lemon size dough make it flat and keep the jaggery inside and seal it like a dumbling.
Steam it in a steamer or idly maker until it is cooked approximately 10mts.
Remove from steamer aqnd your modhak is ready.

Nutritional info:

High in carbohydrates and iron.



RIce flour-1cup

Jaggery-1cup powdered
Coconut shredded-2 to 3 tbsp
Ghee or oil for keeping non sticky
water as needed to boil jaggery


Heat water and put the jaggery powder in it. Heat until the jaggery is melted nicely and hot. Remove and filter. Then again keep it on stove and mix the rice flour and coconut little by little to make a thick dough. Mix continuously to avoid lumps. Add pinch of salt when you mix it.

Once cooled down take a lemon size ball and make a lite press with your palm and fingers.
Then steam it in a idly maker and remove within 5 to 10minutes or until cooked.
You can touch the kozhukatta if its sticky let it be cooked little bit more.
Once done remove it and your pidi kozhukata is ready.

Nutritional Info:
High in carbohydrate and iron


For rice balls
Rice flour-1 cup
salt a little
Hot water

MIxhot water and all other ingredients over the fire. Mix nicely to avoid lumps. You can use this dough to fill the stuffing. Once stuffed with your choice of stuffing make it like a ball and steam it in a idly cooker. YOur stuffed kozhukatta is ready.

sweet Puran Stuff 1


Channa dhal-1/4 cup
Jaggery as needed or 1/8 cup

Boil Channa dhal into soft consistency. Mash it and add jaggery into it. your stuffing is ready.

Sweet puran stuff 2

Shredded coconut-1 1/2 cup
water as needed
cardomam powder a pinch

Heat water and mix the jaggery. Heat until the jaggery is melt and then filter it. HEat few more minutes to thicken it and add the shredded coconut into it. Add cardomom powder into it. Mix thoroughly and let it cook for few more minutes until the mix is thick enough to make a small balls. If its too watery and coconut is cooked and still watery add chutney channa powder into it.
once done your stuffing is ready.

Nutritional Info:
Has iron, carbohydrates, and good fats

Kara puran or spicy puran
split green gram -1/2 cup
green chillies-2nos

Soak gram for 3 hours. Once soaked add shredded or tiny green chilli pieces, salt. Mix well and your stuffing is ready.

Nutritional Info:
Good for digestion, has traces of potassium, carbohydrates, protein, and fiber., vitamins A, C,

Sprouts Stuffing:

Sprouts of any choice
mustard seeds-1/4 tsp
Green chilli powder
Uradh dhal-1tsp


Heat oil and let the mustard pop in it. ONce done add urad dhal and fry till golden brown and add the sprouts, salt, chilli and saute for 4 minutes. Once removed from fire your sprouts stuffing is ready.

Nutritional Info:
Full of proteins and traces of other vitamins and minerals.

MIlk Khoya( palkova) stuffing

sweetened Khoya
Fried nuts and raisins-as needed
Mix everything and your stuffing is ready.

Nutritional Info:
High in calcium, protein, carbohydrates and fats. Has high content of sugar.

Cheese and vegetable stuffing

Cheese-as needed
shredded vegetables of your choice-8tbsp
sweet corn kernals-1tbsp
peas-1 tbsp
pinch of salt

Heat oil and saute the vegetables, corn, peas. Add salt and masala of your choice(oregano, garam masala, etc). add a tbsp of shredded cheese and mix and remove from fire. when stuffing is done you can add cheese cube with this stuffing to get that cheesy cheesy stuffed kozhukatta.

Nutritional Info:
Has calcium, protein, fat and traces of other vitamins and minerals according to the vegetables you choose.

Dry Fruits n nuts stuffing:
Dry fruits
ghee optional

Chop the dry fruits and nuts and mix with ghee and use it as stuffing.

Nutritional Info:
Loaded with proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. and ofcourse fat too. But a healthy fat and a healthy snack for kids.

Sesame seed jaggery Filling:
sesame seeds(nuvvulu/ellu/till)
Jaggery powder as needed

Clean and dry roast the sesame seeds. Let it cool and then grind it to fine powder. Thyen add jaggery powder and mix it nicely. YOur filling is ready.
You can use it as a filling and also keep it as naivedhyam as such.

Nutritional Info:
 HIgh in calcium, iron and protein and traces of vitamins.

Note: You can customise the stuffing according to your imagination and creaticity and as per your taste for the yummy dumblings...

Rice flour -1cup
salt-as needed
urad dhal
mustard seeds
chillie powder or green chillies chopped
hot water
Shredded vegetables, ground nuts fried-optional
curry leaves chopped
coriander chopped
Mix hot water and rice flour and salt over the stove. Mix nicely to avoid lumps. Then remove from fire and when it is warm make it into tiny balls and steam it. Once done heat oil in a pan let the mustard pop out and add urad dhal and fry till golden and add shredded vegetables, curry leaves , chillie and saute. Then add the steamed balls and fry till slightly crispy. Mix the broken ground nuts.
For spice you can add garam masala too. 
Garnish with coriander leaves 

Nutritional Info:
Has carbohydrates, fats and proteins in traces, Vitamins depends on the vegetables you add.

RIce flour
Salt a pinch
hot water
jaggery or sugar
cardomam powder
fried nuts chopped

Make a dough using hot water and rice flour as mentioned previousely. Heat milk and once lightly thick add the sugar or jaggery and the rice balls. Let it boil until the balls are cooked. Add cardomom powder n simmer until the milk is in semi creamy stage.
You can use condensed milk for extra taste .Serve with fried nuts. for 2 cups of flour use atleast 2 to 3 liters of milk.

Nutritional Info:
High in carbohydrates and milk proteins, calcium, iron.

 For the variety in kozhukatta you can use ragi flour, wheat flour, rawa maida flour, millet flour. Use your creativity to taste a yummy kozhukatta (dumblings)
rawa upma of anystyle half cooked-1 cup
coconut shredded-2 to 3 tbsp

Make balls from rava upma coconut mix and steam it until cooked. Your rava kozhukata is ready.

Nutritional INfo:
has proteinds and carbohydrates

Any steamed or unstemed kozhukattai can be then fried for a crispy kozhukattai.

soon i will update sundal and other stuffs also the photos.....!!!!!


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